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Are fire pits legal in Idaho?

Are Fire Pits Legal in Idaho?

Navigating the Rules and Regulations Surrounding Fire Pits in Idaho

Idaho residents have the opportunity to enjoy outdoor fire pits as they are perfectly legal, but it’s crucial to understand and follow local regulations to ensure safety and compliance. In the state of Idaho, the Department of Environmental Quality is responsible for stating the rules on residential burning. However, here’s a more specific breakdown of the rules in some of Idaho’s largest cities:

Idaho Falls Fire Pit Regulations:

In Idaho Falls, specific guidelines dictate the safe use of outdoor recreational fires. For instance, size restrictions state that outdoor recreational fires (including fire pits) must not exceed a total fuel area greater than 3 feet in diameter and no more than 2 feet in height. These limitations help control the intensity of the fire and reduce the risk of it spreading out of control. Furthermore, fires in approved portable outdoor fireplaces or fire pits, can be conducted within 15 feet of a structure or combustible material. However, conditions that could potentially cause a fire to spread within 25 feet of a structure must be eliminated before ignition. Moreover, all fires must be constantly attended to until they are fully extinguished. It’s essential to have at least one portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 4-A rating or another method of extinguishing readily available for immediate use.

Boise Fire Pit Regulations:

In Boise, fire pit regulations emphasize safety and responsible use. For example, anything not enclosed in a 2×3 foot fire pit is considered a bonfire and requires a permit. This requirement ensures that larger fires are properly regulated to prevent accidents and mitigate risks. In addition, Boise fire officials recommend maintaining a buffer zone of 15 to 25 feet around fire pits to prevent surrounding vegetation and structures from catching fire. This precautionary measure helps minimize the potential for fire hazards and ensures the safety of nearby property and individuals.

Are fire pits legal in Idaho?

Certifications and Safety:

Another important thing to consider is whether the fire pit is certified or not. In the US, the American National Standards Institute, or ANSI, is the certification standard for all consumer products from clothing to outdoor fire pits. Organisations such as this develop safety standards that assure the customer the product is safe to use, hence they are particularly important for appliances such as gas fire pits. The Canadian equivalent of ANSI is the Canadian Standards Association, or CSA. These certifications are often both used for the regulation of outdoor gas fire pits in North America, whichever you choose, you can be assured that the product is held to a high standard. Additionally, which certification is required can depend on the state or even the county you live in. Therefore, you should always confirm with your local jurisdiction the certifications they require for gas fire pits. 

Are fire pits legal in Idaho?

Moreover, if you run a commercial business, such as a hotel, bar or restaurant, or you rent out a private property, ensuring your fire pit is certified could be extremely important. In the event of an insurance claim resulting from the fire pit, insurance companies often won’t pay out if it is not certified. Also with gas fire pits, it is important to consider whether only the burner has been certified, or if the appliance has been certified in its entirety. If the fire pit isn’t certified as a whole, this could also cause issues with insurance claims.

In conclusion, understanding and adhering to the rules and regulations surrounding fire pits in Idaho are essential for residents to enjoy these outdoor amenities safely and responsibly. While the state permits their use, local municipalities like Idaho Falls and Boise have specific guidelines in place to ensure fire pit usage remains safe and compliant. From size restrictions to distance requirements from structures, these regulations aim to minimize the risk of accidents and protect both property and individuals. Additionally, considering certifications such as ANSI or CSA adds another layer of safety assurance, particularly for gas fire pits. By following these guidelines and ensuring compliance, residents can continue to enjoy the warmth and ambiance of their outdoor fire pits while maintaining the safety of their communities and the environment.

Are fire pits legal in Idaho?

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