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fire pit ready

Revitalize Your Outdoor Space: Masterful Steps to Ignite Your Fire Pit for a Spectacular Spring!

Spring is finally upon us and as you unearth the outdoor furniture and your fire pit – here are some tips on getting your fire pit ready for the season.  Nothing is worse than having friends or family over and you are unable to start your fire pit!

The All-Weather Cover

We have found the best way to clean the cover is the combination of a stiff brush, hot water and dish soap.  Clean it right on top of the fire pit.  It may require a bit of elbow grease depending on where you live and how much “green” is on your cover.

Fire pit ready

The Burner

Once the cover is done – inspect the top side of the burner – remove any detritus – leaves, twigs dirt.  This can potentially block gas flow.   Inspect the top side for any evidence of spiders – particularly inside the pilot cage. Pilot cages are installed in all Electronic Start and Manual Ignition with Flame Supervision Device burners, to protect the pilot assembly from rocks and other debris. However, it does not protect from spiders or any crawling insects.  We have seen a few instances where spiders have crawled inside the pilot assembly, clogged the orifice and pilot opening, therefore blocking gas flow.

Visually and carefully inspect the pilot assembly and/or thermocouple for any evidence of last year’s marshmallows or any corrosion. Clean when needed.  Call/email or check our website if you need replacement parts.

If your system has a cross jet or linear brass burner, (all units sold within the last 9 years), your brass burner should still be in great working condition. These burners come with a 25-year warranty. These jets have tiny pinholes inside and it doesn’t take a lot to block. In most cases, these jets can get clogged by even the smallest dirt or particles. In these cases, we recommend using a compressed gas duster (Dust Off is a good one but there are many ) and blowing through the system with the nozzle.  This can dislodge the blockage and clear the opening. You could also do this with a vacuum.

Linear Single Stack Gas Fire Pit in Cinder (shown with full bed of rocks)
Linear Single Stack Gas Fire Pit in Cinder (shown with a full bed of rocks)


Decorative Rocks

If the decorative rocks are sooty ( black )  as opposed to the black lava,  these can be thrown in the hot water bucket and scrubbed.  Especially for those of you who have propane burners. These rocks are specially made and tested for high-temperature usage. If you prefer an “all rock” look and/or require replacement, please visit our new online shop. It has all the parts and accessories you may need.

Glass Shield

If you have a glass windshield, part of the regular maintenance is to tighten all the fittings with an Allen Key and clean the inside and outside of the tempered glass.  Glass shields are available for all Solus fire features.

Glass shield

Lava Rock

Every ten years or so we recommend replacing the lava rock, especially if they are beginning to look a little thin. The evidence can be found below your firepit. Take a peek at the bottom by removing the rock and lava rock and lifting up the burner plate. Notice the accumulation of broken-down lava particles/sands – especially for propane burners. Make sure nothing is blocking the vent holes and drainage holes. Use a shop vac or rinse it out of the bottom.   For those of you in tropical climates make sure when you take a look that a snake hasn’t taken up residence in the bottom of the bowl!

Gas Connections

Before firing your firepit, check and double-check connections. Make sure, connections are snugged tight and are connected to where they should be.  Gas leaks are very dangerous. For those of you with a propane tank connection, ensure that the tank you have is full and ready to go.  If the fire pit does not light up after a few starts, your system might need some purging. Purging is the elimination of unwanted substances that accumulated inside your gas line during idle periods.   For those with extremely long connections, it may take more time.

Concrete Surfaces

Mud, dirt and efflorescence (whitish streaks or appearance) are sometimes noticeable from outside the concrete bowl.  To clean the affected surfaces, use hot soapy water and scrub with a scotch brite pad.  Do this on a sunny day to hasten the drying. Once completely dry, re-apply a stone sealer. Miracle 511 is a good sealer, but any available stone sealer from your favorite hardware stores will do.  Always test the sealer on a small area first – see instructions on refinishing.

For concrete table surfaces, we don’t recommend using the scotch brite pad. The surface of your table is coated with a special compound that provides its elegant transparent sheen. Scotch Brite pad or any sharp and granulated paper can damage the finish.  Just hot soapy water and rinse and let it dry in the sunshine before recovering.  If your surface is marred by debris that has been left on the surface over the winter then try washing first and if unsuccessful call us (1877 255 3146 ) and we will guide you with the next options.

You might be interested to know that we have complementary self-circulating water features that might be a nice addition to your fire pit available here.

As always we are available to help.  Give us a call on 1877 255 3146

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